Tuesday, February 5, 2008

White House Proposes Increase For Smithsonian

The Smithsonian Institution holds the largest cultural accounts in the federal budget for the United States. This year the White House has proposed to give an increase of 33.8 million dollars. At first, the institution raised many eyebrows about this year’s on their spending habits and having to check all the travel records of the officials. Many people thought the budget for them was going to be trimmed and were shocked they are receiving this increase. There was one catch to this though, they institution needs to regulate their spending patterns more wisely.
I think people should read this article because this institution does help in repairing many of the world’s treasures. The institution is saying they need the money to help regulate and log all the items that they are and have already repaired. There are, however, smaller museums, which believe they should be receiving the money or at least a bigger increase. States usually help the museums in their own state, but most of the budgets they have are already tight as it is.
I think it is a good idea to give money to help preserve our history, but then we need to find a way to divide the money evenly. Giving a large chunk to one place, which did raise questions, seems extreme.